Dead Dreams
I figured it was time to end it all. Even though the fire was out, I should just throw some more water on it. Kill off any remaining embers in case a random breeze would fuel them again. Was it coincidence that thought came to me almost simultaneously as your news came to you? While my dreams died, yours were born. Yet I've come to learn that the dreams of today are not always the dreams of tomorrow. And although mine may have ended for now, new ones will rise. Someone said something recently that I never thought about before. If you tell someone that you trust him to complete a task, yet you constantly pester him about getting the job done and ask how the task is coming, is it really trust? It seems like you are still trying to keep control and don't trust that the man is truly capable of completing the job without you. So while I feel like things are falling apart, I am trying to remember to truly trust. I'm not going to ask why a million times or ask when the job wi...