
Showing posts from October, 2011

What I Want to Say!

The Everyday Stuff How exciting!  The cardinals won the World Series.  I know you are happy about that. So you know you told me about that movie "Mud" they are filming in Arkansas.  Well Matthew McConaughey is staying at Harlow's!!  They guy of my dreams, well besides you of course, is only 10 minutes away from me!! I'm really upset about my mom.  Will you just give me a hug and tell me everything is going to be ok. The Major Stuff This break up is stupid.  Your miserable, I'm miserable.  Why can't we just end the misery and be together? It's not fair that you can break up with me and with that decision take people that I really care about out of my life as well.  This isn't just about you and me.  It's about your family and your church family that I have grown to love.  I miss them too! One of the girls from your church even posted on my FB page that she missed me.  Why can everyone see this but you? Why can't we work th...

I'm drowning....

I am in complete and utter confusion.  I am frustrated, tired, and stressed.  Every aspect of my life seems messed up, and I have question upon question with no answers. And I am the first one to admit that things could be WAY worse.  However, my pain is still real, my predicaments are still confusing, and I still feel at a complete loss as to what direction to take. And the biggest problem is that almost every situation is beyond my control.  I don't have a say in anything.  I can't make someone love me that doesn't.  I can't make sick people better.  I can't make test scores jump to miraculous heights.  I can't make things make sense. And I'm angry.  I'm not cursing-God-angry; I'm confused-angry.  I'm I-can't-take-one-more-step-until-you-answer-me-angry.  And so I wait, but I feel as though the longer I wait, the more complicated it gets.  I'm just ready for an answer, a sign, a confirmation that I'm still on the righ...