The inner workings of my mind
I can breathe a huge sigh of relief! I finished all the paper work I had to turn in for Student Teaching. I corrected a paper that was actually due today! Now all I have left between now and finals is to read 2 books and write 1 book review. Guess it may help if I actually had the books in my possession! Oh well, it seems that there really may be light at the end of the tunnel after all!!
If you want to see the inner workings of my mind, please read on. At any given moment, my mind jumps on a topic and picks it apart even if it doesn't concern me at the time. For example, I read an article today. It's entitled "What I wish I had known when I was single...". The essay is about throwing away the "list" that girls make concerning what they want in a future husband. At first I thought, well she's not a "christian" (as far as I know), so her advice may not be the most sound. Then I thought about an advice column I read from a wise apostolic lady, Gabby. That question seemed to be along the same lines, "should I give up my list and settle for less??" So it just kinda got me thinking. No I don't think I should settle and date whatever guy may give me the time of day; one should never be desperate. However, I do sometimes fall at that way too picky line.
It's not so much that it's an issue right now for me...there are no guys beating down my door (which, by the way, is perfectly ok considering the fact that my life is pretty hectic 99% of the time.) However, later, when the opportunity arises, will I miss a chance at love because I'm holding out for Mr. Perfect?? Guess that means I better start praying, "not my will but YOURS, oh Lord" just incase the prospect is around the corner!
So there is how my mind works. I read an article, had a question, which triggered something else I read, which made me think about my future. In the end, it makes no sense why I worried about it because I'm not really in that situation at the moment....go figure!
I'm out...have a good weekend!
If you want to see the inner workings of my mind, please read on. At any given moment, my mind jumps on a topic and picks it apart even if it doesn't concern me at the time. For example, I read an article today. It's entitled "What I wish I had known when I was single...". The essay is about throwing away the "list" that girls make concerning what they want in a future husband. At first I thought, well she's not a "christian" (as far as I know), so her advice may not be the most sound. Then I thought about an advice column I read from a wise apostolic lady, Gabby. That question seemed to be along the same lines, "should I give up my list and settle for less??" So it just kinda got me thinking. No I don't think I should settle and date whatever guy may give me the time of day; one should never be desperate. However, I do sometimes fall at that way too picky line.
It's not so much that it's an issue right now for me...there are no guys beating down my door (which, by the way, is perfectly ok considering the fact that my life is pretty hectic 99% of the time.) However, later, when the opportunity arises, will I miss a chance at love because I'm holding out for Mr. Perfect?? Guess that means I better start praying, "not my will but YOURS, oh Lord" just incase the prospect is around the corner!
So there is how my mind works. I read an article, had a question, which triggered something else I read, which made me think about my future. In the end, it makes no sense why I worried about it because I'm not really in that situation at the moment....go figure!
I'm out...have a good weekend!