Part III of "Many Mind's Musings"

The other night at the honors banquet, we had a wonderful key note speaker. She seemed a bit eccentric at first. She started her speech by singing the song "I'm a little teapot!" However, at the end, I had to admit she was one of the best speakers I've ever heard. There is no way I could do her thoughts justice. One of her points was so in depth that I couldn't begin to explain it. You would have just had to hear it for yourself. However, there are 2 points she did make that are worth repeating and much easier to explain. Her speach was all about "uncommon" sense....

The first point is there is NO past or future. The past and the present are both figments of our imagination, if you will. We can not relive the past, nor can we tell the future. We can only live in the now. Think about breath. You can't breathe yesterday's air, nor can you rely on tomorrow's air. You can only breathe now. You must live every moment as it comes. Live in the moment you have. We can't dwell on the past nor can we worry about the future because in reality they don't exist. All we have is now.

The second point is there is NO there. A saying exist that you can't "there" from "here." We often just want to get away. We say if I could just get out of "here." You can't leave "here." You can't go "there." The closer you get to "there", it becomes "here." Wherever you are is "here." Notice the words "where" and "there" include the word "here." You are always "here." "There" does not exist.

All we have is the here and now. All we have is each moment to live to the fullest. The speaker left us with the idea that she could tell us how great we can be in the future. However, she knows that the only true statement is how great we can be right here, right now. So go out and live for the present right where you are!

With that, my "Many Mind's Musings" series has finally come to an end. Don't worry, I have many more thoughts just waiting to be written down! Unfortunately, I'll be traveling this weekend, so you'll have to wait until Monday to hear from me. I know it may seem too traumatic, but I'm sure you'll survive.

Until then...I'm out!


Kim said…
I do agree with you about the past and present thing. Really time in and of itself is just for the human perception. Of course the speaker was from the language department, so she was dealing with words, not so much scientific facts.

I do accept your objection; it shows that someone is actually reading and paying attention!

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