Going to the Chapel...but not for MY wedding!
It seems that the talk of marriage, dating, and relationships has bombarded every single aspect of my life these days. I just can't seem to escape all the discussions and controversy. So keeping along with the saying "if you can't beat them, join them" I'm going to to blog about my run-ins with the dreaded topic. I guess with this first entry, I'll give you the background about how my life has become marriage central.....
It all began towards the end of last year when one of my close friends became engaged. His engagement was followed soon after by 2 other guys in my church popping the question. Then a few days later, news came that another couple I'm acquainted with were tying the knot in a few weeks. Then other couples started sending out wedding invitations, including 2 girls that I graduated from high school with. Even my ex boyfriend is getting married in August! So as of August 6th, every guy that I've dated will be married, and I sit here, all alone....but I digress...
My best friend, who was proposed to right before Christmas, asked me to be her maid of honor, and so the wedding preparations have begun. We've picked out wedding dresses, bridesmaid dresses, shoes, tuxedos, and invitations. We had her wedding shower this week, and it hit me! She opened up a present, and it was a glass serving dish. What young, single person has a glass serving dish??? None! My best friend is now an OLD married person. It's soooooo weird. Another sobering thought is the fact that I'm throwing her a lingerie shower this weekend! I'm not old enough to do that, am I? Well old enough or not, here I come!
If it's not enough that over 10 couples I know are getting married this year, there are my own marriage issues. The issue is there is no issue, I'm very much single. I'm usually a very content single person, but with all the hoopla, I must admit even I have been a tiny bit lonely. On top of all that, there is the normal questions and comments that a 20 something girl always gets. One extremely funny comment was made by my Assoc. Pastor recently. After a Wednesday night sermon we were standing around talking. He made the comment that he didn't have to clean the house that is why he had 2 young daughters. Well being the feminist I am, I quickly gave a deviant *HUMP*, and the argument began. I quickly started into my usual dissertation on how just because one is of the female gender, it does not dictate that she has to be one's house slave or domestic at all for that matter. I added that I didn't practice my domestic skills and had no interest in doing so at the present moment. It was then that my assoc. Pastor hit my button. He said so nonchalantly "Well that explains why you're still single." So I retorted, "Well in that case, I'll stay single. I don't need a man to complete my life!" He was just trying to get me riled up, which he achieved, and everyone had a good laugh after the situation.
Then, there is Wendy's blog that has touched on the singleness issues in the Apostolic realm. (Her entries have been very enlightening, and have put into words some of my feelings.) Lastly,there is the marriage/relationship class that has started up at our church. This class is not a complaint, I'm enjoying it immensely. It's just the fact that I can't escape the marriage issue.
So with all that said, I've gained TOO much insight into this marriage situation. So I'll be posting about it on and off.
Until next time....
It all began towards the end of last year when one of my close friends became engaged. His engagement was followed soon after by 2 other guys in my church popping the question. Then a few days later, news came that another couple I'm acquainted with were tying the knot in a few weeks. Then other couples started sending out wedding invitations, including 2 girls that I graduated from high school with. Even my ex boyfriend is getting married in August! So as of August 6th, every guy that I've dated will be married, and I sit here, all alone....but I digress...
My best friend, who was proposed to right before Christmas, asked me to be her maid of honor, and so the wedding preparations have begun. We've picked out wedding dresses, bridesmaid dresses, shoes, tuxedos, and invitations. We had her wedding shower this week, and it hit me! She opened up a present, and it was a glass serving dish. What young, single person has a glass serving dish??? None! My best friend is now an OLD married person. It's soooooo weird. Another sobering thought is the fact that I'm throwing her a lingerie shower this weekend! I'm not old enough to do that, am I? Well old enough or not, here I come!
If it's not enough that over 10 couples I know are getting married this year, there are my own marriage issues. The issue is there is no issue, I'm very much single. I'm usually a very content single person, but with all the hoopla, I must admit even I have been a tiny bit lonely. On top of all that, there is the normal questions and comments that a 20 something girl always gets. One extremely funny comment was made by my Assoc. Pastor recently. After a Wednesday night sermon we were standing around talking. He made the comment that he didn't have to clean the house that is why he had 2 young daughters. Well being the feminist I am, I quickly gave a deviant *HUMP*, and the argument began. I quickly started into my usual dissertation on how just because one is of the female gender, it does not dictate that she has to be one's house slave or domestic at all for that matter. I added that I didn't practice my domestic skills and had no interest in doing so at the present moment. It was then that my assoc. Pastor hit my button. He said so nonchalantly "Well that explains why you're still single." So I retorted, "Well in that case, I'll stay single. I don't need a man to complete my life!" He was just trying to get me riled up, which he achieved, and everyone had a good laugh after the situation.
Then, there is Wendy's blog that has touched on the singleness issues in the Apostolic realm. (Her entries have been very enlightening, and have put into words some of my feelings.) Lastly,there is the marriage/relationship class that has started up at our church. This class is not a complaint, I'm enjoying it immensely. It's just the fact that I can't escape the marriage issue.
So with all that said, I've gained TOO much insight into this marriage situation. So I'll be posting about it on and off.
Until next time....