Lessons from the Kiddies

I'm enjoying my job so much this summer. I'm not with the kids a whole lot, but I enjoy every minute I get to spend with them. It's been such a "God Thing" being here this summer. I know more than ever that I do want to teach....that God has that plan for my life. (At least for the time being.)

So we went on a field trip Wednesday to go rock climbing (which was SOOO fun!). I was driving a van with 9 kids in it, so it was a little noisy. I tuned in the radio to K-LOVE and had it loud enough so I could here it in the front. Well one of the kids heard the radio and asked me to turn it up because it was a good song. So the kids quieted down a bit and started listening to some "Third Day". Well another song came on and the same boy said, "Oh I love this song too." The lead singer of the song was a girl, and one of the other boys said, "That's a girl song." He quickly retorted, "It's not a boy song or a girl song; it's a Jesus song."

My spiritual mind started racing. Joshua didn't care who was singing; all he knew was that the song was about Jesus. Wouldn't it be great if us grown-ups could forget who's singing the song, who's doing the preaching, who's doing the testifying, and realize that it's all about Jesus. I quickly forget that my life is all about Jesus. It's not about me, or what I stand to gain. Everything I do should be pleasing to God.

Even though I get a bit selfish sometimes, God has a way of reminding me of Him. It's not a boy thing, a girl thing, a black thing, or a white thing. It's a Kingdom Thing!!


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