Unexpected Email

I'm big on email. I try to stay in contact with as many friends as possible. So today I was very excited to see that I had emails from several friends. One of those friends I haven't talked to in a long while, an ex-boyfriend named Chris.

I must say he has really changed, and I sat reading the email with an open mouth. Before, he wasn't into church, He just went because his dad was the pastor. But now he's a youth pastor in a church in Texas (I think) and He's completely sold out to God. He's email was such an encouragement.

It's amazing how God knows exactly who to send your way, exactly at the right time. Chris wrote about being a "lifter" instead of a "leaner". Here's a little bit of what he said...

"I have learned that there are two kinds of Christians in this world, there are leaners and there are lifters. The statement itself is pretty explanatory. A church full of leaners will crumble because all that is ever passed is negativity. Leaners will attract leaners and the church will crumble. Lifters are positive individuals that accept God's friendship and positivity. If leaners attract leaners then lifters attract lifters."

It's amazing how God can totally turn people's lives around. What an awesome God we serve!


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