Sheer aggravation
Sometimes it doesn't matter how hard you try, life just kicks ya in the butt. You try to do what's right, you make mistakes, you apologize, you move on, then you kicked down so hard you think...what's the sense in even getting back up.
It's really hard to be that good person all the time to everyone, especially at times like this. It'd be super easy to walk up to someone and tell them how unworthy they are of you and your friendship. How their actions and lack of respect for your feelings speaks so much louder than any words they ever spoke to you.
I don't know who I'm more angry with, the person for being so rude and inconsiderate, or myself for allowing myself to trust them. I guess what really makes me sad is that I have no one to blame but myself really. I'm an intelligent person, I should have known better. I should have changed the situation months ago, but for some dumb reason I let it linger. Now I'm aggravated beyond belief.
Oh yeah, and my cell phone has suffered one more more name deleted off the list....should have stayed deleted a long time ago....
It's really hard to be that good person all the time to everyone, especially at times like this. It'd be super easy to walk up to someone and tell them how unworthy they are of you and your friendship. How their actions and lack of respect for your feelings speaks so much louder than any words they ever spoke to you.
I don't know who I'm more angry with, the person for being so rude and inconsiderate, or myself for allowing myself to trust them. I guess what really makes me sad is that I have no one to blame but myself really. I'm an intelligent person, I should have known better. I should have changed the situation months ago, but for some dumb reason I let it linger. Now I'm aggravated beyond belief.
Oh yeah, and my cell phone has suffered one more more name deleted off the list....should have stayed deleted a long time ago....