Some thoughts to chew on

Living up to my blog's name, this original thought is really compliments of my oh, so wise Asst. Pastor, Bro. Steven Cantu....

Most of the time when we come to God for healing, it's for the physical things. Examples: headaches, backache, diseases. Then there are times that we ask God to heal our finances, our broken heart, maybe even our marriage. We ask God to heal the things that are hurting us. However, we hardly ever ask God to heal the things in us that may be hurting others. Example: our personality, bad attitudes, hypocritical character. We are always so quick to judge others and pray for others who have the wrong spirit. Yet we forget that sometimes we ourselves may be in the wrong and in need of healing.

Thought #2

As a result of Hurricane Katrina, my best friends are housing their nephew, his wife, and three sons. One of their precious children has a lung deformity. If I have this all correctly, Cheese boy has had over 15 surgeries in his short 4 years of life, and because of these surgeries, has titanium bars in his chest so that the doctors can stretch his ribs apart easily for the surgery. Cheese boy also has a trache (pardon me if that is not how you spell it) and in order to speak clearly, has to cover up the hole in the trache. The back of his head is flat from having lain in a bed for the first year of his life.

All of that information was given to say that Cheese Boy is the most well-mannered, loving, happy little boy I know. He's such an absolute sweetheart. He offers this huge smile and quietly asks, "Can I have some more cheese? A bunch??"

I realize that this poor child is only 4 years old, but even at four, he could have a bad attitude. He could pout and whine and refuse to go on with life. The doctors told the parents that Cheese boy would never eat on his own, probably never speak, and basically never have a normal life. He does all of that and more, and he does it with a good attitude.

We are all so blessed everyday. Most of us are safe. I was spared from a horrid hurricane. We wake up every morning with our five sense operating. We have family and friends that care about us. Shame on us if we forget our blessings and begin to complain.

In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.
1 Thessalonians 5:18


Anonymous said…
What an amazing little kid! I saw a kid on campus the other day in a wheelchair. He didn't have any legs. I vowed then and there to stop complaining about having to walk across campus for class. Hope you're doing well! Love you bunches!

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