Ironic Physic Powers??

I work at a public school, so things get a little rowdy sometimes. This afternoon a few kids got into a fight, there was yelling going on down the hallway, and such. I looked over at one of the students who lives down the street from me, and said "Diva, let's just go home to our quiet street." And I did just that.

Then I had plans to go out with a friend and her sister tonight. Before I left, I shook my head at my mother who was laying on the couch as my dad proceeded to watch some dumb Jet Li movie. I turned to her and asked, "Is this what I have to look forward to?? Sitting on the couch on a Friday night watching some movie I have no interest in??" Mom just replied, "Maybe when you're 50...." I wished them a nice night and headed out.

So my friend is driving me home, and we turn down my nice, quiet street. Only, my nice, quiet street now has 3-4 police cars and 2 firetrucks parked right near my house. All I can think is, "Is that MY house??" We parked on the side of the street and walked into my yard to find that a house 2 homes down from me had caught on fire. Thankfully, no one was at home, no one else was hurt, and they had gotten the fire out.

I walked in the house and my mom said...."We had an exciting night afterall. Maybe sometimes it is fun to just sit on the couch." I had to nice, quiet street with my bored parents turned out to be grand central station tonight. Guess you never know what life may throw your way sometimes.


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