That's What It's All About!

I'm an American Idol fan. The first season it was on, I had no clue what it was. Right before the final show, I kept seeing things about "The American Idol" on the internet and such, and I was totally lost. I watched a few episodes of the 2nd season. By the third season, I was hooked. I even had the American Idol hotline number programmed into my cell phone! I wanted Fantasia and Carrie Underwood both to win!!

As most of you probably have heard, season 5 of American Idol premiered Tuesday night. Well last night, they were still airing auditions, and I was so touched by this one guy.

He lives on a farm/ranch in Colorado and sings to his turkey everyday. He goes to Denver to try out for American Idol. He's so nervous when he gets in front of the judges that he can't remember the name of the song he is going to sing. Paula encourages him to just go ahead and start singing. He does and I was shocked by his voice. It was really full and had tons of potential. Even Simon admitted that he had talent. Surprisingly Paula turns him down, but Simon gives him a yes. They knew he was nervous, but come to find out, it was the first time he'd ever been out in public, let alone sing in front of celebrities. Randy asked him if he'd ever been on a plane, and the guy said no, but that he also dreamed about it. So Randy sends him on to Hollywood. That guy was so excited, and I was too.

Let's be realistic. He won't win, although if he makes it through the next few rounds, his story will carry him a good way. Most importantly, this boy is getting exposure to the world that he would have never received if not for American Idol. That's what this show is really about in the end. It's about making people's dreams come true. That's why I'm a fan of it!


Anonymous said…
I admit that I about fell off my seat laughing when he said he had only sang in front of a turkey!! (he said it in the most adorable way though) There is something about this cowboy that just touches your heart...=)

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