Guilty As Charged!

I'll admit it; I have no life. No real life that has any purpose. Nope...None. It's ok though because at least I can admit it. Here's the proof....

Tonight was "group night" on American Idol. I cried because my cowboy that I blogged about recently got sent home. He was just so durn precious. Who cares if he couldn't sing. I just have a soft spot for the underdogs....Guess that's why I'm a Mississippi State Fan. What got me was that he was ok with going home. He knew that he wasn't ready; he was just glad to have the experience.

SeeI have no life....I rest my case.


Anonymous said…
You have a life, it is just different from some peoples'. You cannot help it if you have a tender heart that looks out for those that cannot look out for themselves.
Kim said…
Awe...well thanks!
Anonymous said…
So you know, not the same anonymous that left you a comment earlier in the week. This guy/gal seems a little sweeter than me.
Kim said…
Well dude...I'm super confused now!

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