How to be his "perfect girl"

This is another excerpt from Hadassah: One Night With the King. Queen Esther is talking about ways to win over the king's affection...

"First, you must be someone who knows who she is and how she fits into the world, who needs no one but God to make her a whole person. Neediness can be highly seductive, but only for a very short incendiary period, and usually only with a man who is flawed in his own right. After that first blush, a healthy man will want to shrug you off as quickly as he can. What attracts him the most, and the longest, is a woman who does not need him to be complete yet chooses out of her wholeness and completeness to give herself to him."


Kendra Lynn said…
Oh isn't that an AWESOME BOOK???? Iloved it! I haven't read the second one yet, though.

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