
This theory might explain why I'm not as healthy as I once was. Maybe I suffer because I'm not in love?? Perhaps all the zits are not from the past few weeks of stress, maybe it's because I'm getting touches of hatred instead of kindness?? What a thought. Maybe I should hope for God to send that infamous one to me sooner??
You ever have that feeling that a bunch of changes are about to take place, sooner than later? I have that feeling. Surprisingly, I'm excited and even anticipating these changes. With the way things have been going lately, anything would be better. Serving God is all about going through bad times and good times. There is suppose to be joy in the morning; night doesn't last always. So eventually things are going to have to get better. Right?
Overall, I had a good weekend. I made a decision that I stuck to firmly, and I wasn't landblasted for having a bad attitude. I was even told what I did was ok. I was nice to someone that I'm not usually all that nice to. I did a good thing for a person that deserves it, even if I am stepping out on a limb to make it happen. I got 2 encouraging letters. One, from a very high authority, even stated in a round about way, "Don't worry what happens, I got ya back." It's as if I have the go ahead to keep rocking the boat!


chantell said…
Just wanted to stop by and say awesome article on 90&9 about your theory of love!

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