Drama Always Finds Me

I know a guy, let's call him Mr. Quiet. I know a girl who really likes Mr. Quiet. Let's call her Ms. In Love. Everyone knows that Ms. In Love really likes Mr. Quiet, but you never know if the feeling is shared or not.

Mr. Quiet messages me and emails every once in a while. I've never really thought anything of it because it's always usually sporadic. However, today, Mr. Quiet asked me what I was doing after church. Unknowingly, I said, oh nothing. Had I known the question that was coming, I would have made up some excuse. I fell right into the trap and was asked, "Well would you like to go out and eat after church?" **BIG PROBLEM**

I wanted to say, "Well, I think Ms. In Love really likes you, and I don't want to hurt a friend by going out with you, so no." However, I wasn't exactly up on how Ms. In Love felt for sure, so I didn't want to go acclaiming something I wasn't 100% sure of. So I did what any person would do, I said, "Maybe if nothing comes up."

Knowing how it feels to watch someone you like flirt with a "good friend", I texted Ms. In Love to find out how she really felt. I knew the pain I felt watching a few friends throw themselves on my crush, so I certainly didn't want to inflict that on someone else. I told her what happened, that I wasn't interested in the guy, and that I wanted to consult her first.

This is what she said..."I really like him a lot. I have given up so much to be close to him. What you've just said feels like a knife going through my gut. I can't stop you from going, but PLEASE, I beg you tell him you don't like him...."

Well, I guess my intuition was right. Ms. In Love really is in love, and even though I know I did the right thing by telling her, I feel as though I'm the one that's hurt her. I'm not interested in the guy, but even if I was, I wouldn't do that to her. Now I have to tell this guy I don't like him without letting him know that I've talked to Ms. In Love. Then if he says "I just want to go as friends" then I have to come up with a good excuse to not go even still.

Why Me?? This always happens.....


chantell said…
You can just tell him "Something did come up, and I can't." You don't have to tell him what it is, and you wouldn't be lying. The "something that came up" is that you know for sure that your friend is ga ga for him. Besides, your not being interested in him has nothing to do with your friend liking him. He'll get the "I'm not interested" vibe from you sooner or later.
Anonymous said…
You told my WIFE that I asked you out!!! Now I am really in the doghouse. RP
Anonymous said…
I had no idea my husband was into you. You never know. SP
Kim said…
You guys are nuts!
Paperson said…
Thanks for squaring me up Kim. Internet relationships never work. By the way what's with calling me mister quiet. Is that like when i call a 300lb man slim. Also i've made my blog current so tell me what you think.

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