Is He Ready or Not?

I ran across this article, and I had to share it with everyone. It's called "4 Signs That a Man's Ready for Marriage -- and 4 That He's Not." If you don't have time to read it, I'll highlight the list for ya.

He's ready to be a potential husband if:
  1. His Oat-Sowing Days Are Over
  2. He's Financially Independent
  3. He's Discovered His Desire to Be a Dad
  4. He's Your Boyfriend in Name -- Your Husband in Spirit

He's not ready to settle down if:

  1. Says he has no interest in tying the knot
  2. Buys a Porsche
  3. Calls his married friends "losers"
  4. Continually makes you cry

It's not as if I'm at this stage in my life, but it's a good reminder to know what to look for when those days come. The whole gist of the article is not to force something that is obviously not going to happen.


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