People Like That
"You know, I don't go to church no more. I used to go to church. Let me tell you something about church. You know, church is fine, but my problem is church folk. If you ever go to church looking for anything but God, you're in trouble, because church folk will run you out of there. I have never had so many people sitting around and talking and pointing their fingers and all that other stuff, acting like they're holier than everybody else. But if God ever uncovered their dirt, it would blow your mind! The things that they do! So you got to watch people who are pointing fingers all the time. When they're pointing one at you, the other fingers are pointing back at themselves. So I stopped going a long time ago."
-- Madea, Don't Make a Black Woman Take Off Her Earrings
-- Madea, Don't Make a Black Woman Take Off Her Earrings
That pretty much sums up my feelings lately. I haven't stopped going to church, and I won't. But I am highly annoyed at how "Christian" people act. What's sad is I hardly EVER have problems with "worldly folks." My problems lie in the church folks. They are the ones that stab you in the back, talk about you, and treat you unkindly. Why is that? Why do we think that we're justified to treat people like we do?
Nothing will set me off quicker than having to deal with a holier than thou attitude. Place that attitude with an undeserved leadership role, and I'm about to scream. People forget that church is strictly voluntary. No one is forced to come, no one is forced to participate, and no one (except the pastor and a few other important people) are getting paid to be there. When I head up something, I'm not being paid to do it and neither are the people that are under me. You can't treat people that have volunteered their time like crap. You will have an uproar for sure. You can't blast off hurtful things, scream, and argue and expect people to follow you to the ends of the earth, let alone to the edge of a pew. People like that only make people like me, people like them.
I'm not perfect. I'll be the first to admit that I have an attitude. However, I try my very hardest to remember that other people have feelings too. Maybe if we put others first, I don't know, act like Christians, then maybe we wouldn't have such problems.