
I had a really insightful post last night while lying in my bed. I forgot it this morning after I woke up. Guess it wasn't too insightful.
I went to Wal-mart early this morning to get the new Rascal Flatts CD that came out today. I realize that it was 7:00 in the morning, but they only had 1 register open. Of course there weren't thousands of people in there, but they could open up more than one check out line! I'll never understand wal-mart.
I just remembered what I was going to blog about. It was actually really insightful, at least on my part. However, it's too much to add in this random post, so you'll have to check it out later.
Easter is on it's way. That means a whole lot of hoop-la to celebrate a day that changes it's location on the calendar every year. I understand what Easter stands for and all. It just seems like we go WAY out of our way to push this service, get new outfits, and fix big dinners just for one day. Everyone gets all stressed out at Choir/drama practice to get everything just right. The truth of the matter is, you shouldn't have waited 2 weeks before Easter to try to learn 100 new songs! As a result, everyone has a bad attitude, people threaten to drop out, and you end up forgetting what Easter is all about. I guess it's a lot like Christmas. I wonder how God feels about all that??
Speaking of Easter, my Asst. Pastor asked the drama dept. to work something up to a song called My Jesus by Todd Agnew. As I am in charge of the drama at my church (yes, a pun was intended), it is my job to start the ball rolling on this project. If anyone has heard this song, you will know that it has a great message, but it's extremely heavy and not the easiest thing to create "drama" for. However, with the help of a wonderful dramatist Terry Vik, I was able to get some ideas that will hopefully pull it off.
As I was checking out the Todd Agnew sight to make sure I had the right link, I saw that Todd Agnew is going to be in concert about 25 miles away from my town on Thursday night. He'll be performing at a community college that I use to attend. I might just go.
I don't know what I'm going to do this August. I haven't had an offer for a teaching position yet, and I'm not staying here in the Career Center. My job isn't horrible, it's just that I'm getting paid less than half of what I could be making as a teacher, and I'm bored 90% of the time. I'm going to try and talk with the Superintendent. Remind him that I'm only here waiting on that teaching position he said he'd have. We'll see how it goes. It's something I'm not too worried about.


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