Settling for less or Striving for more?

I read this article while on the MSN homepage. It speaks about what kind of woman a man wants to marry, an A+ or A- woman. Different experts on this topic give their opinions on whether successful women have a lesser chance of getting married.

I've had someone flat out tell me that if I continued my college education, I could pretty much forget finding a good man to marry. He told me that he dated a girl who was highly educated and he felt intimidated. Soon after he met the girl who would later become his wife. He broke up with the educated girl for his now-wife. Although he never said it, he inferred that he married his wife instead of the old girlfriend because she wasn't as educated and therefore less intimidating.

Maybe he's right. Maybe guys don't want successful, educated women because they feel inferior. However, I think successful women aren't marrying as much as non-successful women because they know they are worth more and not willing to settle for less.

As a result of my education and my drive in life, I refuse to settle for an A- man. I want a strong, educated, passionate man in my life. I want someone who has something to offer to me, and I won't settle for less than I deserve. If that causes me to be 33 before I get married, so be it. If I intimidate men because of who I am, then they aren't good enough for me.

Is that a prideful/snobbish attitude? Well, it may be, but I don't think God would have given me the talents and the desires he has to just sit on them and be the "A-" girl. The fact that I'm a single, educated, hard-working woman with a lesser chance of getting married doesn't mean that I've settled for less in life; it means I'm striving for more!


Anonymous said…
Amen! I may have to quote you on that one! Hope everything else is going well. Love ya!
Paperson said…
Personally i feel that the more a woman is educated the more she is career motivated. Thus somethings get put on the back burner. Just a thought. Feel free to blast away at my sexism.

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