Must Reads!

Here's a list of a few books I think everyone should read before dying:

  1. The Dream Giver by Bruce Wilkinson
    -- A good friend of mine just recommended this book to me. I'm only
    half way finished with it, and it's already impacted my life. The
    book is 2 part: first, a parable and then an explanation of that parable. It's about discovering and achieving your Big Dream.
  2. For Such a Time as This by Lisa Ryan
    -- I read this book about 4-5 years ago. It applies the story of Esther to girl's everyday life and encourages us to remember we are daughters of the King, princesses! (Guys may not enjoy this book, but it's a must for girls.)
  3. To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
    -- Sometimes important life lessons must be learned at a young age.
    In life, you have to stand up for the right, even if you're the only one
  4. A Walk to Remember by Nicholas Sparks
    -- True love does exist, even if it's only for a short time. There are
    people that will impact your life and then be taken from you too quickly. It's vital to soak up all that you can as fast as you can.
  5. The Message Remix by Eugene H. Peterson
    -- I wouldn't replace the good ole KJV, but I would have this book handy at all times. There have been times when I've read a passage
    from this translation of the Bible and said..."Oh, why didn't they just
    say that to begin with?"


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