Character Flaws??

As a result of new leadership positions I'm stepping into, I'm getting some leadership training from my pastor. Being as though I share almost everything possible with my blog and its readers, it seems only right that I go through all of this with you! My first homework assignment is to come up with 5 personal character flaws.

At a risk of sounding extremely cocky, I will say that this is not an easy task. Now wait a minute before you start gagging, and let me explain. I will be the FIRST to admit that I am not perfect and that I have tons of issues. But I've always looked at a lot of my personality traits as just some big, all combined issues. To directly pinpoint them out and give them a name seems pretty difficult. Plus some of my biggest flaws are what I would consider some of my greatest strengths.

For example, I'm an opinionated person, but I wouldn't characterize that as a character flaw. I don't force my opinions on others, but if someone asks me what I think I'm certainly going to give my two cents, with a bit of tact.

I could definitely list frustration as a character flaw. I don't hide it well. In fact, I usually don't hide it at all. If I believe someone is behaving in an improper manner, especially if they should no better, I have a tendency of blowing up. I'm sure that's something I could work on!

I think we all have moments on Jealousy or envy, but it's never been something long lasting for me. There are times when I think, "Man, why does she get all these guys when she has such a rotten attitude?" It doesn't take long until I realize that I'm better off, and the feeling goes away. So would it be a character flaw if it's not something I struggle with constantly?

I can be a bit harsh at times. This goes back to my frustration problems. I'm a highly motivated person. I expect a lot of myself, and I have numerous things I want to accomplish in life. Sometimes my personal push comes out on other people. I want to push them just as hard as I'm pushing myself. Sometimes it comes out as being harsh, snobby, or mean although it's not my intentions. When people don't push back with me, I get frustrated. It can be a vicious cycle.

I'm an extremely independent person, which sometimes causes me to have major trust issues and keeps me from asking for help. I am very protective of my heart. I also feel because I'm a girl, I must prove myself to others, only fueling my independent streak. However, I really don't think that those things are character flaws. Ok, maybe the fact that I have trust issues could be consider a flaw, but I firmly believe that I'm limited by the fact that I'm a girl. Pushing to prove myself only helps me to accomplish all that I have.

I don't have low self-esteem; I'm actually rather self-confident. Perhaps that's a flaw because I come across as cocky or too self-assured. The truth is there are times when I'm scared to death inside, but I would never let anyone know it. I don't think I'm very attractive and I hate the fact that I look 16 instead of 23. However, I would never let anyone know that. If I were nervous about speaking or getting up in front of someone, I would never say so. I would act as calm and confident as possible. There are plenty of times that I feel insecure, but I just don't admit to it. It's part of that independent/pushy thing I have going on. If I ignore the fact that I feel inadequate and do what I have to do, then I've accomplished something.

Well maybe I have come up with character flaws, the fact that I can't readily admit to a character flaw. But don't flaws make you who you are?? But then again, wouldn't I rather be a better person, but then would I be myself?? And aren't we just suppose to be real with each other? I can talk myself into anything, maybe that's a flaw??


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