It's Not Easy Being Green....

I'm definitely feeling Kermit the Frog right now! Although our definitions of the term green differ, I know exactly how he feels. As a new teacher, it seems I have SOO much work to do and not enough time to do it in.

As I said earlier, I was not prepared for anything when I got to school the first day. And Sunday night lying in bed, I thought of everything I needed to do but it was too late. Students reported to school Monday morning. So I may be a little late, but I'm getting things done.

Do you remember all the things your teacher had lined up for you. Handouts on classroom procedures, grading scales, project lists, etc. I didn't have any of that. I've never taught before. I don't know how I want things to run. I'm more of an off the cuff kind of person, but students need structure. So here I am last night trying to put rules and regulations together for students.

I teach 4-seventh grade classes and another coach teaches 2 periods of the same subject. He came to my room today to discuss what I would be teaching, how I would be testing, etc. I had no idea what to tell him, so I made stuff up. I acted like I had my lesson plans all made out for the year. In fact, I don't have any lesson plans written out, not even for tomorrow! I've got my work cut out for me, huh!

On top of that, I've been given the privilege of teaching a Humanities course live on TV. That means I have a class in my room with cameras that have a live feed to other classrooms in Mississippi. So far, no students have signed up outside of our school, and I'm praying it stays that way. However, we have a week to wait to see if anyone will sign up, which means I can't start teaching that class until I know for sure. By the way, I have NO idea how to teach humanities. I wasn't even sure what humanities consists of until I got the book. Oh and the book is a college level book, with no teacher's edition or resources. So I'm completely winging this class too.

Last but certainly not least is the Yearbook staff. They gave me a whooping 3 students! Did I mention there is not a school photographer, which means, I'm it! With 3 students, all seniors, there is no way they can be at all the activities to take pictures since they are participating in most activities. That means I have to be everywhere at all times practically. Let me not fail to add that I don't get paid any extra for doing this!

No, it's just not easy being green....


chantell said…
Dear, dear Kim. It's okay. Take a deep breath . . . that's it, now let it out slowly. There you go.

I TOTALLY feel you. That was me last year, first year teacher, and I hadn't the foggiest. Now, I know what to expect, supposedly, so I'm a little more prepared in that regard, but otherwise, I still feel SO not ready.

Don't worry about winging it. When you're winging it with God, He somehow makes everything fall into place. Don't ask me how, but I promise you, just relax, do the best you can do, and trust God. He will be there for you.
Kim said…
Thanks! I needed that encouragement!
Anonymous said…
Shug, at least you don't have an 18-year-old stalker in your class. My bud teaches HS spanish and had a kid that was obsessed with her. Long story short, he "sexually harrassed" her by writing dirty things on her board and got expelled. So, chin could be worse!

Besides, I know you and I know you will do an awesome job. You may not have your stuff together now, but you will, and it will be great! I have faith in you!

Hope everything else is going well! Take care! Love ya!

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