Proving God!

My Pastor has been seriously hammering on paying tithes and giving offerings. He has been praying for us every service that we would prosper financially, etc. He has also talked about us given a seed offering and to wait and watch God restore it back to us many times over again.

A month ago I applied for a grant called REACH for first year teachers. If I was accepted I could receive $5000 just for teaching for one year. I completed the application and asked a few people to help me pray that God would reward me.

Well a few weeks ago a man was at our church from Venezuela. He is native to that area, Holy Ghost filled, and is working with extremely poor people. With absolutely no extra money to my name, I wrote a check for $50. I knew that somehow I would work my budget out, but this man needed the money way more that I did.

Today, I got a letter in the mail stating that I have been chosen as a REACH Recipient! I will receive $2000 at the end of December and $3000 at the end of the school year! God is too good!

"Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the LORD of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it." Malachi 3:10


Jewel said…
How absolutely wonderful our God is, Kim! I am so happy for you. Truly God is so good. I enjoy reading your blog. God's continued blessings to you!
Kim said…
Thank You!

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