This and That

I've discovered a new talent! I have this inane ability to pick the wrong checkout line at Wal-mart! It never fails, the line I get in will need a price check or have a bad check, etc. I'm not too sure why God has shown down His great blessings in my life and given me this gift, but I certainly believe that I am not worthy for such great an honor!
I received an extremely random text message today. It said "I'm getting married September 23rd." I replied "What!? Where!? Why!?" She replied back, "In Hattiesburg because I love him!" I chuckled. Pretty good answer. I was going for, "why so suddenly", but that will work!

A friend of mine has been dating this guy for several months or more. He's going to be sent back to Iraq pretty soon, so they decided to go ahead and get married before he leaves. I'm wishing the best for both of them.
I've yet to discuss in detail the new changes going on at church. I've been a bit overwhelmed with the whole entire idea that I haven't blogged in order to prevent emotional overload. It all seems to be mellowing out in my mind, so more to come on that real soon!


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