A Different Type of Thankful!

So here's a different type of counting my blessings list. Forgive any underlying satire or cynicism. I just thought it was time for a laugh!

  1. I'm thankful that the MS Public School System gives us the whole week off for Thanksgiving because without it, my students would surely perish! (Or maybe I would be the one perishing)
  2. I'm thankful that for an entire week I don't have to hear some underage kid holler out "Hey Sexy", "I love you Ms. Rigney", or "I'll call you tonight" all while being molested with his eyes as I walk down the hall. (Wait, I did see that student at the movies last night that desperately wanted me to save him a seat.)
  3. I'm thankful that Mr. Right hasn't entered my life because I don't really have time for him, or if I did, he would probably be chased away by all the under aged kids (and way over aged men) molesting me with their eyes.
  4. I'm also thankful that Mr. Right hasn't entered my life because I have no idea what kind of guy I really want and may have carelessly neglected him. (Oh, I really hope that hasn't happened because if it has, my pickings aren't that great!)
  5. I'm thankful that even though I haven't found Mr. Right, I have enough self respect not to throw myself on guys that are totally not interested in me.
  6. I'm thankful that I live in the South where Deep Fried Turkey is a thanksgiving day staple!
Ok, ok. Really I'm very thankful this year. God has been extremely good to me, and even though I don't have everything I think I want, I have exactly what God knows that I need. I have friends, family, and Jesus Christ. What more could a girl ask for? As I look back over the past few years I recall all the sorrows, tragedies, and heartbreaks. But despite all of that, I'm still standing tall and holding on to my faith. For all of that, I am thankful!


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