A Different Type of Thankful!
So here's a different type of counting my blessings list. Forgive any underlying satire or cynicism. I just thought it was time for a laugh!
- I'm thankful that the MS Public School System gives us the whole week off for Thanksgiving because without it, my students would surely perish! (Or maybe I would be the one perishing)
- I'm thankful that for an entire week I don't have to hear some underage kid holler out "Hey Sexy", "I love you Ms. Rigney", or "I'll call you tonight" all while being molested with his eyes as I walk down the hall. (Wait, I did see that student at the movies last night that desperately wanted me to save him a seat.)
- I'm thankful that Mr. Right hasn't entered my life because I don't really have time for him, or if I did, he would probably be chased away by all the under aged kids (and way over aged men) molesting me with their eyes.
- I'm also thankful that Mr. Right hasn't entered my life because I have no idea what kind of guy I really want and may have carelessly neglected him. (Oh, I really hope that hasn't happened because if it has, my pickings aren't that great!)
- I'm thankful that even though I haven't found Mr. Right, I have enough self respect not to throw myself on guys that are totally not interested in me.
- I'm thankful that I live in the South where Deep Fried Turkey is a thanksgiving day staple!