The Pain of Leading

Dealing with young people is so much harder than I ever thought it would be. I feel so worthless after spending time with them. It's as if nothing I do is right. I'm either too lame, too mean, too lenient, too serious, too goofy. I never win. I can accept not being the kids friend, but I would like to feel appreciated or respected.

When something goes wrong, I feel responsible, even when it's not my fault. If the kids do something wrong, I feel bad for it happening even if I couldn't control it. Then the other kids say, why does it matter, it's not your fault. Yet they can't understand that I'm a leader and therefore it reflects on me.

Being in charge is tough. You aren't just watching out for yourself but for so many others. You have to make decisions that are best for everyone even if that means being tough. And being a young single girl in leadership is even harder. It's as if the only time I get respect is because a guy thinks I'm cute. No one is really interested in your intellect or opinions, just how good your tail looks in a skirt. And the kicker, I'M NOT EVEN GOOD LOOKING! I just feel like a brainless piece of meat sometimes.


chantell said…
Aww, come, come, Kimmy. It is definitely annoying when many males' attention focuses on the physical so much more than the intellectual, for sure. But don't say you're not good looking. You've posted a pic here and there, and IMHO, you're quite a cutie! :-)

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