Did Someone Say Italy??

So I'm perusing through the internet and stop by one of my favorite sites, ninetyandnine.net. This new huge add at the top of the page caught my attention. A tour to Italy?? What's this about? Sponsored by UPCI singles?? Huh??

So I cruise on over to this new singles site and find out more information. It's a tour of Italy for 7-10 days and it's not a bad price! I was bummed recently because 2 trips I thought I was going to take to Europe had both been canceled due to circumstances beyond my control. Is there hope for a trip after all?? I sure hope so! I'm definitely interested in going, but I would like someone I know to go with me. Who cares if the rest of the trip is divorced or older. Italy is worth it!

If you are interested in some info, check it out here! (click on the breakaway flier download)


chantell said…
I checked it out, and the price was definitely right, but I can't get off for those days. Our spring break isn't until much later. Blast! If I could've gotten the time off I so would have gone.

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