Terrorist Attacks from a Weight Watching Suitcase?

I should make lists more often. I've felt so accomplished today because I've been able to cross things off my list. Normally, I like to wing life. Do things as they come to me, or put them off as they come to me. However, when something really important is happening and I feel myself slipping into that deep stress quicksand, I start jotting things down quickly.

I'm on the verge of sinking into the quicksand, so I'm making lists as if my life depended upon it. With my Italy trip just 5 days away, I can't bear to have one thing overlooked, especially since I'm responsible for 100 kids left here at home. I've got to cross every "t" and dot every "i", and that requires a list.

Technically, lots of lists! I've got them everywhere! One was sitting by my computer, but thankfully I've crossed everything off that one. There is another one on the dining room table by my purse. I've x'ed off several things, but there are a few more left to go. I also have 1 or 2 more lists at school. With this whole list strategy, it's as if I caught hold of a very sturdy branch and I'm easy myself up out of the sand.

So what's my biggest worry? How am I going to pack everything I need into 1 suitcase?? It would be a little different if it was going to be 70 degrees there. Unfortunately the highs are going to be around 55-60 and the low's in the 40's. Now for some of you Northern folks, that may sound like a nice spring day. However, for a Mississippi girl like me, it ain't nice until it's 73 degrees! Anything below 65 degrees is still winter to me! So I've got to put in the turtlenecks and the sweaters that can be a bit bulky.

One genius co-worker is letting me borrow a type of space bag that I can use to stuff all my clothes into and then suck the extra air out. This will help with extra space in my suitcase. However, I can't go over 50 lbs or I'm paying extra, and that ain't happening. Plus I've got to have room for souvenirs. I just may be mailing some stuff back home!

I'm trying to focus on completing everything else on my lists and leaving the packing for last. I know that I'll have to go through several rounds before making a final selection for my wardrobe. Thankfully my mom works at Weight Watchers with accurate digital scales. So I'm going to be hiking my bag up there to weigh it before I leave. I wonder if I can sucker the airport into extra points for good behavior kinda like they do at Weight Watchers?? (Be my luck, they'd label me a terrorist!)


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