You Think??

Has someone you know, a friend, made a joke about you. Even though they were just kidding and it was all in good fun, somehow you know what they were joking about really is true?? It's kind of a harsh reality. All of sudden the joking isn't so funny anymore. It begins to hurt your feelings. You're not mad at your friend, but mad at yourself for being what they are jokingly calling you.

I'm 23. I've been out of college for a year. I've got a great job with decent pay. I've had some time to adjust to everything, right? I should be getting my act together, packing my bags, and moving on to the next phase of my life. Instead of sleeping in the same room I have since I was 16, I should be furnishing my home. Instead of eating the leftovers mom cooked last night, I should be scanning the grocery store aisles for my personal favorites. I should be using up all the hot water in my own house instead of a bathroom shared with my brother and family.

I guess I am a freeloader, to an extent. Yeah, my parents love me being at home and my mom would surely cry should I move out. No I'm not being a financial burden on them. I pay my medical bills, insurance, entertainment expenses. But I'm not forking out anything for the water, heat, or the Little Debbie snack cakes I keep scarfing down. The solution sounds easy. In order not to be a freeloader, pay mom and dad. But if I'm going to pay rent, shouldn't it be at my own place with my own furniture? It's stepping out. It's being different. It's very un- southern-pentecostal for a single girl to go out on her own. But I think it's me. I think it's getting time. I think it's the next phase.

Or am I just thinking way to much??


chantell said…
Sweetheart, you're 23 and you've just been out of college for a year. I could see if you were 35 or something. Give yourself a break. If the 'rents aren't pushing you to move out, enjoy rent-free living and save up. It's not uncommon at all. In fact, I am doing the very same thing at 24, and though sometimes the occasion arises where I do the whole "I should be out on my own by now, shouldn't I?" thing, I know that I have some goals set and that my living situation is only temporary. Enjoy it while you can, 'cuz time and chance happens to us all, and soon you'll be wishing for the rent-free life again! :-)
Randall said…
Open a ROTH IRA and start stocking the money away and stay with them as long as possible. If you need help with investing just talk to me. I think you know my number.

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