I've Learned My Lesson!

I promise I won't (ok I won't unless it's really important) skip school ever again!

Doesn't that sound like the promise of a student and not a teacher?? Sometimes the more things change, the more they stay the same, huh? Anywaz, here's what happened...

I skipped school yesterday to go out of town with a friend. When I left school on Monday afternoon, I had no idea that I was going to be skipping. So I left a mailing envelope with some checks and about $60 cash on my desk. I was suppose to mail it to our school photographer. I figured I would take care of it Tuesday morning.

Now fast forward to Wednesday. The envelope is no where to be found! I talked to the sub and she distinctly remembered it being there at the end of 5th period. No one stole it I'm sure. They would have had to know money was in it, plus the sub is good. However, the envelope was sitting on the edge of the desk where the garbage can is. I'm almost 100% sure the envelope fell into the garbage. Wouldn't you know it, the garbage was dumped early this morning!

I can most likely get new checks written. But the cash is all on me. I realize that it was my fault for leaving the money on the desk, but I honestly didn't know I would be skipping school the next day. I guess if I was doing what I was suppose to be doing, this wouldn't have happened. Sounds exactly like what I tell my students everyday! No matter how old we are, we all do some irresponsible things at times.


the lizness said…
$60 - hefty lesson learning fee, eh? I wasted $120 on dating websites only to have buyers remorse as soon as I joined and cancelled my membership 1 week after, but it was too late to get my money back. Oh well.
the lizness said…
AND YOU LINKED TO ME!!! oh my word! I feel oh so special to be in your sidebar.
Randall said…
Our daughter deleted the phone number from our dial up internet connection. My wife goes back and puts in the number that was in the file. She didn't realize it was a long distance number. Try a $400 phone bill! Or me driving my wifes car 100 mph with no oil. Yep, I have paid the stupid tax.
Kim said…
You are special Liz! It's been forever since I updated that thing. I've been reading other blogs forever and thinking, I should link to them. I'm such a procrastinator!
'b' said…
*points and laughs*


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