No More Riddles
I wish I could write tonight and say that everything is right with the world. I wish I could type out a glorious report of how all the bad has been wiped away and replaced with nothing but good. I can't do that. Trouble still lurks. Chaos still ensues. Offenses are still coming.
I can write and tell you that God is still good. He is still on the throne; still in control. I can tell you that despite the drama, I still trust in God. I am able to say that even though a storm rages around me, it is not raging inside of me. Yes, there is peace in my heart. There is assurance in my soul that God is working it all out for our good.
I know it seems I've been blogging in riddles lately. I keep referring to this almost war-like situation. Well yes, I am in the throws of a war, spiritually. The devil is violently attacking my Pastor and my church. It may very well come down to a church split, and it is weighing hard on many.
I can honestly say that I'm not taking a man's side. I am taking God's side, and for now, that "side" is behind my Pastor. Has he made some mistakes? Of course, he's human! But guess what, so has everyone else. And to the best of my knowledge, he hasn't led me or anyone else in a direction that is contrary to the word of God. Therefore I will stand behind him unless I see otherwise. I could "side" with a man, but we all know that humans sin. Humans mess up. But God, He is not man that He should lie. No, he is true and just and holy. He is the only one who I choose to follow.
What's crazy is that some people think that I am actually naive enough to follow after the leading of others. They think I'm buying into lies, and thereby being mislead to a "side." To those that doubt my reasoning abilities, please let me explain myself. When I was 18 I left the church that I was born and raised in, the church where my parents still attended because I knew that I was not getting what I needed spiritually. I disagreed with many things that were going on, and so I left, by myself. God and I made that decision. I have continually made decisions on my own. I stand up for numerous causes and rally behind them despite the support from others. I'm known as super-independent, and usually go against the grain. So how would someone knowing this about me doubt my decision?
I realize that to many, I am still young and impressionable. However I am not too young to pray, to listen to the voice of God, or to see actions rather than hear words. So over the course of the next few weeks, months, years (however long this may last), I will discuss my fears, my joys, and my concerns. Do not let anyone think that I have been duped or lost faith in God. I will just need to realize my frustrations, like some friends are already doing here.
I can write and tell you that God is still good. He is still on the throne; still in control. I can tell you that despite the drama, I still trust in God. I am able to say that even though a storm rages around me, it is not raging inside of me. Yes, there is peace in my heart. There is assurance in my soul that God is working it all out for our good.
I know it seems I've been blogging in riddles lately. I keep referring to this almost war-like situation. Well yes, I am in the throws of a war, spiritually. The devil is violently attacking my Pastor and my church. It may very well come down to a church split, and it is weighing hard on many.
I can honestly say that I'm not taking a man's side. I am taking God's side, and for now, that "side" is behind my Pastor. Has he made some mistakes? Of course, he's human! But guess what, so has everyone else. And to the best of my knowledge, he hasn't led me or anyone else in a direction that is contrary to the word of God. Therefore I will stand behind him unless I see otherwise. I could "side" with a man, but we all know that humans sin. Humans mess up. But God, He is not man that He should lie. No, he is true and just and holy. He is the only one who I choose to follow.
What's crazy is that some people think that I am actually naive enough to follow after the leading of others. They think I'm buying into lies, and thereby being mislead to a "side." To those that doubt my reasoning abilities, please let me explain myself. When I was 18 I left the church that I was born and raised in, the church where my parents still attended because I knew that I was not getting what I needed spiritually. I disagreed with many things that were going on, and so I left, by myself. God and I made that decision. I have continually made decisions on my own. I stand up for numerous causes and rally behind them despite the support from others. I'm known as super-independent, and usually go against the grain. So how would someone knowing this about me doubt my decision?
I realize that to many, I am still young and impressionable. However I am not too young to pray, to listen to the voice of God, or to see actions rather than hear words. So over the course of the next few weeks, months, years (however long this may last), I will discuss my fears, my joys, and my concerns. Do not let anyone think that I have been duped or lost faith in God. I will just need to realize my frustrations, like some friends are already doing here.