Pray For Me

The world is full of cliche's. The biggest one among Christians, especially A/Ps (Aposotlics/Pentecostals) is "pray for me." How many times has someone asked you to pray for someone. Or how many times have you heard some news to which you replied, "I'll pray for you." Sometimes our conversations are so cliche'.

"Hey, how are you?"
"Good. How are you?"
"I'm ok, but my sister is back in the hospital."
"Oh dear, well I'll be sure to pray for her."
"Thanks, she needs it. "
"See ya later."

I mean, there's nothing wrong with that conversation. But how much of it do we really mean? Do we really pray for people when we say we will or is it just another catch phrase in our daily conversations. Have we gotten so use to saying it that it just comes out without a real thought?

I want my words to mean something. I especially want my promises to mean something. I've been guilty of saying I would pray for someone and then not doing it. But I don't want that to be the case anymore. I want my prayers to be effective. I want people to come to me because they know that I will really pray for them. Not for my glory, but for God's! I want to be a positive example of God's love and kindness.

My friend's mom is still in the hospital. She had been moved to rehab since the stroke, but today they placed her back in ICU. They are not sure if she has a kidney infection or a problem with her gall bladder. They are keeping her monitored in case they have to rush her to surgery. I am making it a must to pray for her everyday, even multiple times a day. That's the only thing my friend wants me to do. I feel useless because he doesn't need me to cook food for him, or run errands for him, like I would usually do for a friend in this situation. However, prayer is the best thing to do, and so I'm doing it instead of just saying it. Yet, I'm not praying for his mom for him or me, I'm doing it for the kingdom of God. I'm doing it so that people will know that good, caring people do exist. There are still Christians around that are trying to do the right thing.

So, pray for me, that I can continue to be as much like Christ as possible....


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