I'm Back...again!

Orlando, Florida was a blast! The only set back was that we didn't have enough time to spend there. A friend of mine and her family were planning a trip to FL. My friend wanted me to meet her cousin who was going to be meeting them there in Florida. So she asked me if I wanted to go, I said yeah, and so at 11 PM Sunday night, I began packing for Florida. We left Monday morning at 6:30 AM! We stayed at the Nickelodeon Hotel, which was actually tons of fun even for us older folks. We went to Epcot, Downtown Disney, and did a little shopping also.

The whole church split thing is going full force. It's gotten really ugly actually. Several people have begun posting comments anonymously on my blog and other friends blogs with rude comments. I feel really bad for these people. I know they are frustrated and angry and haven't learned how to channel those feelings in a positive way. So if you feel the need to call me names or criticize my actions or those of my friends, go right ahead. People called Jesus names too.

The people that are against my pastor sent a massive letter out to the entire congregation. I have yet to decide if I'm going to read the letter or just give it back to them. It's rather lengthy, and considering that I just went to Wal-Mart at midnight to purchase the latest Harry Potter book, I doubt I'll have time to get to it! :)


the lizness said…
2 words ... comment moderation.

Praying for you Kim.
on a slightly amused note, why is it than when a church has problems, so often there is a letter involved? and they send it out in mass? yours is not the first situation to experience it. it's happened lots of places...i just find it odd that it's a common thread. in my own observations, the letter senders are usually on the defensive for a reason, but that's all i'll say.
Kim said…
Girl, you are wise beyond your years!
Anonymous said…
To be fair.... The pastor was the first to send out a letter. Also, You have been posting things on here that aren't real friendly or biased. There have been letters on both sides, but the side that stands for truth isn't putting it all over the internet. No one hates anyone, but the truth must be told. Whoever wrote bad things about you shouldn't have, but you too are human. You can't say that the people who say they love you don't mean it.... everyone is not talking about you.
Anonymous said…
anonymous, to be fair... the pastor did send the first letter to explain to the confused people at the church what in the world was going on. He did not tell anything other than that there was a group that was trying to remove him from being pastor. However, the other side has sent letters with things that have only caused more confusion and some even hurt. You say the side that stands for the truth is kind of funny, since the ones that are sending these letters have some question as to their integrity. Yes, Kim used the internet to express herself, but your side used their tongues, which the Bible says is an unruly thing. And the ones that have said bad things about her and the youth leaders showed their true feelings towards them. But I don't think she feels that everyone doesn't love her, just some. Like everything there are good and bad, and sometimes you just have to weed them out.
Anonymous said…
Truth? Please tell me what truth is so important that must be told. Are you talking about the Gospel message or your "truth" that our pastor is the anti-christ? Why is it anyones job to spread bad stuff about the man of God? What is funny is that Bro. Cantu's side has done absolutely nothing to defend him at his own request. This is a one sided onslaught against one man and anyone who happens to agree with him. Just leave us alone. Let us make our own decision. We don't need your lies, gossip, and half-truths and 13 page letters. We will never believe what you say because it is YOU who are telling the story. And that is something that you will never understand. The thing that scares me the most is that Bro. Cantu just might win this vote and we will be left with all this mess to clean up.
Anonymous said…
Thats right you will be left with this big mess to clean up. And just for that I hope PASTOR CANTU does get the vote. I hate when someone tries to divide sides if you are truly a person of God then you will not get involved and sit back and let whatever is to happen, happen I hope that all this mess hurries and ends cause im tired of all the seperation in the church and I am tired of all the lies against PASTOR CANTU. You all will answer for what you have done with our Lord and Savior. May God Bless everyone!!
Anonymous said…
You can't say that people are lying against him. You have no idea the stuff that has come from his mouth against his own family. I'm tired of everyone calling everyone liars. You don't have to believe anything. No one is asking you to believe it... it's your choice, no one elses. BUT I can't see how anyone in that church could call Sis Ellard a liar. She has always been the example of holiness, and meekness. How could you possibly think for one minute that she would say the things she's said and it all be a lie? The only intent was to inform. I just pray that the right decision is made and that the Greenville church grows stronger in GOD'S TRUTH and in conviction. I pray for God to have HIS WAY. I love you all, I just hate that it came down to this.
'b' said…
will someone explain to me, an outside observer, why those who don't like the current church structure don't just find somewhere else to congregate?
Anonymous said…
You can't understand the situation because you are not in it. There are a lot of people (elders) in the church that helped establish the original church structure, and have given their lives for that church. If someone wants a different structure and to be free of the UPCI requirements, then don't you think they should be the ones to leave instead of taking the whole church into the charasmatic movement? You will never know what it's like until you are actually in a situation like this. I don't want anyone to leave the church but I don't want the church to go Charasmatic, and obviously right now it is.
Anonymous said…
Dear praying for strength... No one is saying that Sis. Ellard lied. But her and Bro. Ellard did cause people to look at Bro. Cantu differently by not letting the congregation know that they thought he was disrespecting them all those years. Since they let him keep being the Assistant Pastor, everyone thought they approved of him. As our leaders, they should have protected us from that type of person. And then also they should have stood up anyway when it came time to vote him in and let us know all about what was going on instead of leaving town. That is what some people are talking about, not that they are liars.
Anonymous said…
I have been reading all of this and I have to say...You can't possibly imagine how they felt. Don't you think that with everything they were going through and with people telling them they didn't have a choice cause if they didn't give it up then it would be taken from them that they felt threatened and hurt? They were probably secretly praying that he would change and do what was right. They didn't want to expose those things, but prayed that God would convict his heart. They felt like they were being pushed out plain and simple, but it was all a lie. No one would have forced them to resign, not anyone who loved them anyway. It just got too bad, that's all, and it was time to do something. We've all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God, I know this. I haven't always done the right things and I can admit that. I just always believed that Pastors should be an example of what we stand for. Anytime I ever fell or went through dry spells spiritually, I could always look to my pastor and his wife to show me where I should be. My parents really were my examples to follow, but they also followed the example of my Pastor and his wife. Bro & Sis Ellard are two of the most holy people I know, and it hurts me to know that they're character has been attacked. All of this hurts me, but I do not hate anyone. I love everyone, and I miss you all so much! I'm praying for everyone. As Sis Ellard has always told me... "This too shall pass".
Anonymous said…
Number one, what has happened has happened, also anyone that is not a member of The Greenville UPC wouldnt understand what is going on, and we don't expect you to understand. But as for these people that are members how can you sit there and say that stuff.. NO ONE has said anything bad against sis. ellard or bro. ellard, that is that i can see and neither of their names has been mentioned in these blogs as I have read if so please point them out to me. Also, I find it funny that the youth acted more maturely in this situation then the adults did, goes to show how the adults will stoop down to that level.. I don't enjoy watching these lovely families getting torn apart it really hurts me. I have found myself praying alot here lately asking for guidance, strength, and for the Lord to show me right from wrong. I AM STICKING WITH CANTU AND HIS FAMILY, wherever they go I to shall be. I love the Cantu's and i'd do absolutely anything for them anytime! I hope that everyone will find the strength to make it through the day; just remember JESUS knows everything, and he hears you when you cry just keep the faith and the Lord will handle this all!! I LOVE YOU ALL NO MATTER WHAT!!!

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