Posting This for a Friend....

Dear Jesus Christ,

I'm sorry. I'm sorry for making you do this. For years you have shown us the wicked ways these people. You have shown us their vanity. You have shown us their jealousy, You have shown us their contempt for for anyone they view as a threat. You have shown us their lies. You have shown us their hate. You have shown us the the length they will go to to destroy lives, families, reputations, credibility, trust, love for your brother and sister, and most of all faith. You have shown us we needed to leave for years. It took you revealing all that is in their heart for us to to see clearly that we must go and work for you somewhere else. I'm sorry Jesus for forcing you to do what you have had to do. Please forgive me. No more will we sit under leadership that put themselves before You. No longer will we abide in the house that is consumed my backbiting and iniquity.

Who knows if any of what they say about the man of God is true. The vast majority of all they say is in the past which means you don't even remember them because you cast things into the sea of forgetfulness. Thank goodness it isn't up to these people who makes it to heaven or not cause they would be the only ones there.

In the end these people know that it is not about a man because if it was then all of their past transgressions, which are under the blood, would be out in writing to everyone in the church to read. This is about a building,. This is about pride. This is about their lack of control. Jesus I'm sorry that the necessary steps were not taken years ago to kill the spirit of Satan that lives in these people. We sat back and excepted these people for who they were which was a sin in itself.

Please forgive me.

Jason Coslet


Anonymous said…
I am so sorry that so many are suffering. You cannot carry the weight and responsibility on yourself. If you do feel some then isn't it awesome that Jesus has already carried it on the cross. He bled, died and even cried for the sins and pain he knew we all would at some time inflict upon ourselves and others. But through all of this we are encouraged to not loose heart, for we are His, washed with His blood and promised that He will carry us, comfort us and be in us. What an awesome God we serve and were it not for His grace we would all be in the same shape. Longsuffering is Jesus' motto and not being quick to judge is His way. So staying until the bitter end is just what we do sometimes to make sure God is still in control and that He is bringing justice and not ourselves. Ya'll are all in many prayers and God will have a church.
Anonymous said…
Jason, I understand you are upset, but please don't crucify the ones who have loved you, prayed for you, encouraged you and rallied behind you in your accomplishments. We have celebrated with you in your wedding and the birth of your child. What a beautiful family ! God has really blessed you and your entire family. I can only speak for myself in this matter concerning the church. I've had to do a whole lot of soul searching to find out whether I really believe in what I thought I believed in or was it just tradition I have been following for the past 38 years. Through all of this I have experienced many emotions ( CONFUSION, DISTRUST, ANGER, BITTERNESS, BETRAYAL,BUT MOST OF ALL A GREAT SENSE OF LOSS). I have never had to disect myself and see the ugliness that was inside ( inside all of us ) and could possibly surface if it wasn't for the grace and mercy of the ALMIGHTY. There have been occasions in the past to where my frustrations did surface and I expressed my feelings to people I really did not mean to hurt. AND FOR THAT I AM TRULY SORRY! I did repent before God. After my soul searching and word searching I now can say that I truly do believe that the Glory Road that I have been traveling down for all these years IS the same road that will lead me onto Heaven. If I didn't really believe it, I would have to apologize to my children for their mother and I teaching them a lie. We haven't! Our Foundation Stands..... Our family loves you and prays that In Jesus Name we continue on in His work as one body. We love all of our church family very much but we just don't understand how we have become so divided among ourselves. I think we still are all serving the One and Only True God. I realize that in this life offenses come against us but that is when we must call on our Defense, OUR GOD. I am almost 50 yrs old and if there was anything good that came out of all of this it is the fact that I truly have learned how to lean on HIM for EVERYTHING and how to pray for people that may not see EVERYTHING exactly like I see them. This is hard to do sometimes but very humbling. I don't have a clue as to how all of this is going to turn out but He does. There are no winners in a situation like this but there is a lesson to be learned by all of us. Don't ever take your salvation for granted and always cherish your family in the LORD.From the Heart, Bro. Hayes
Anonymous said…
To Kim and Jason - Please know that we over here (far, far away) are also praying for all of you, pastor, pastor's family, and congregation. You both are tremendous young adults with enormous potential in your faithfulness to the Lord. Please don't let bitterness, anger, and offenses take root in your lives. Look forward to what God is going to do. Continue to make yourselves available for His kingdom's work, and you will see a great harvest from the work of your hands. Shake the dust off your feet, and move on to the next challenge, the next victory. No regrets. The best is yet to come! Get excited!
Kim said…
Dear last anonymous,

I think I can speak for Jason as well when I say thank you so much for your kind words. They are like medicine to a wounded body. We do look expectantly towards our new future, and with God's help we hope to win this delta for His cause!

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