REMIX's Birthday

Today marks the 1st Birthday of REMIX, our Wednesday night youth services. Not only have the youth changed, but my life has changed dramatically since its inception.

Today was a prime example. I got home and received a phone call from one of my girls. She was having a special dress up and needed a ride to the store to get a shirt. What seemed like a short trip to the store ended up being a 2 hour shopping spree. We went to just about every store in town.

I had just gotten home, eaten supper, and settled down to watch Grey's Anatomy when I got a text on my phone. One of the other girls got in a fight with her mom and shoved her mom. The girl was really upset, so I spent an hour texting her to calm her down.

There are nights like tonight where I feel exhausted. However, overall, I know that this is the ministry God has for me. I love these kids as if they were my own. I cry with them when they are in pain, and I glory with them in their achievements. I feel like a mom even though I've never wanted my own kids!

Honestly, I don't know what I'd do without REMIX and my great group of young people. They are my life, and I am so blessed. So happy 1st Birthday to us!!

Everyday is better when it's REMIXED!


Emily Rigney said…
This just goes to show that we never know what God has for our lives. We say we will never to do or never to that, but God usually says wait and see. Keep up the good work.

Anonymous said…
Awe.. Well i think you do a great job kim.. And I'm praying with you for patience, because Lord knows we need it!! Not only for tolerating others but waiting for MR. Right!!

I Love You!
Anonymous said…
REMIX has changed my life. I can't even imagine life without it. It is great to feel the awesome presence of the Holy Spirit and the great preaching. Oh yeah, REMIX band is awesome!!!

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