My Picket Sign Reads...."STRIKE!"

I yelled at God today.

It wasn't an, "I told God off thing." No, I'm definitely not stupid enough to think I could let God have it. It was more of a "You're God and You have to fix this, or I'm going to go crazy."

God didn't audible answer back; He never does. However, I felt like God was saying, "It's about time you got fed up with this 'cuz I was beginning to wonder about you. I mean, I knew you were a pretty tolerant person, but come on now, only I got that much patience."

I've been crazy for a while. I've been going at something the same exact way expecting a different result. I can honestly say that I've prayed about it, but I always reverted back to the same old ways, thinking that because I prayed, it was going to be different. Well I just cannot take it anymore. It's eating away at me until it consumes my thoughts, and I'm not dealing so well with it.

So I've decided that I'm walking away from it. I've prayed; I've done everything I feel humanly possible to change this situation. So I'm going to continue to pray but I'm going to stop trying to do anything. That's right...I'm going on strike!


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