27 Dresses

I just saw the movie 27 Dresses, and it was really, really great! I guess the reason why I liked it so much, is that I could relate to it.

Without giving the movie away completely, it's about this girl who is always doing things for everyone, especially for friend's weddings. She has a big problem with boundaries and when to tell people NO. She goes through life trying to please other people, waiting for the day when it will be her turn. She thinks she knows what she wants, and she sits back waiting for the right moment when it will all fall into place. Eventually the pressure builds, and she finds out what she thought she wanted all this time, was the wrong thing.

How many times in life have we done that...clinging to what we just knew was right, what we've always dreamed of, and then found out it wasn't so hot after all. And in the meantime, between waiting and actually receiving what we want, we have to fill our lives with other people, gadgets, jobs, or hobbies just to fill in the space.

But today, I plan on being positive. I'm banking on my happy ending just like in the movie. One day all my hard work is going to pay off, and I'm going to get, maybe not what I think I want...but exactly what I need and deserve!


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