A Fresh Start!
In all seriousness though, I've been a bit haughty and high minded. I know I am on a regular basis, but most of the time I'm just joking. This time, well, maybe I overstepped my boundaries. I guess the reason why I'm sharing this is because a good friend told me that he basically didn't believe I struggled with sin. And honestly I don't struggle with the "big sins" as far as humans categorize sin. I don't ever have the urge to drink, smoke, or dip. I don't struggle with fornication because I don't usually get that close to guys. However I do struggle. I struggle with doubt, fear, frustration, anger, gossip, jealousy. And although some are more socially acceptable than others, they are still all sin.
No matter the sin, God is waiting to forgive us. No matter if someone is struggling with homosexuality or telling little white lies, God wants to give us a fresh start. Whatever the sin, it separates us from God. So I'm not any better than the crack-head down the street or the prostitute on the corner, if I do things that are unpleasing to God. But the amazing thing, no matter my status, God loves me regardless, and it's up to me if I accept that love or reject it. And there is nothing more beautiful or rewarding than embracing the love of God...to have a fresh start with Him.