My Life...

My retainer got thrown away by accident Sunday night. I try not to think about the fact that it was in the trash can and now is in my mouth.

I forgot to set my alarm this morning. I should have woken up at 6:30, instead I woke up at 7:05. Thank God I still live at home, and mom could help. Otherwise I don't think i would have made it on time. I was walking out the door around 7:23!

Today, we were watching Channel 1 (a short news video feed that comes into our classrooms), and one student asked.
"Ms. Rigney, does someone actually count all those votes for President?"
"Yes. Most of them are done electronically, but yes, some of them are counted by people." I replied.
"Hmm...that would take a while. Wouldn't it be easier to say 'Make some noise for this candidate.'"


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