I know you are sovereign. I know that you have a plan for me. I know that you know what I need better than I know myself.

But right now, I don't care. Right now, I'm angry. I'm hurt. I'm confused. I want an answer. I want clarity.

I know I'll understand it better one day. But I want that day to be now!


Anonymous said…
Maybe if you put HIS will before YOUR'll get an answer... And remember, "wait a while"...and "NO" are answers.
OUCH!!!!...but yeah. however, i do think we are allowed to ask Him to expand a bit on the "wait a while" and "no"....
Anonymous said…
I am always amazed by the people who don't like you, that follow your blog......... I bet it was Caston.
Randall said…
See! You go charismatic and the next thing you know you are on the outs with God. So typical. You liberals want a relationship with God yet you aren't willing to make the sacrifices and get holy to get God. God hates sin and he can't abide in a sinful heart. So get rid of the makeup, haircutting, and that Jezebel spirit you will find yourself back in the will of God!!!

J/K ;-)
Anonymous said…
It's okay to be upset. And normal.

I, for one, appreciate your candidness and honesty.

This too will pass and His goodness and mercy will follow.

Will pray for you.
Emily Rigney said…
What is wrong with people that can find nothing else to do but to put down someone when they are hurting? Do you not have any feelings. Everyone has days when life just doesn't seem fair and you feel as if everyone and everything is against you. So if you don't have anything good to say about someone then keep quiet. And if you just think you have to say something, at least be man/woman to put your name, don't hide behind anonymous.

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