Sunshiney days

Today was an absolutely gorgeous day. It was one of those days that you wished everday was like. The sun was shining, the temperature was just right. No bugs were biting.

The problem is, if everyday was that great, would you enjoy it as much. Maybe the enjoyment doesn't lie fully in the good temperature, but in the fact that it was better than the rainy, cold days before. If we didn't have the bad days, would the good days be as good? Probably not.

As in life, I supppose, everyday can't be good. Sometimes, we have to have some bad days so that we can appreciate the good days.

I'm ready for the rain to stop. I'm ready for the sun to shine. I'm ready to enjoy my good day!


'b' said…
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'b' said…
nietzsche said that you can only appreciate goodness to the degree which you have experienced bad. you can't know love without loneliness, and you can't know joy without suffering.

similarly, you can't really appreciate the sunshine without some rain.

PS - it's about 14 degrees here, and i'm sick of hearing about your sunshine. ;-)

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