I apologize...

...for not posting as often as usual. I've been in a pretty foul mood lately, and I don't want to fill the blogosphere with negativity.

I'm normally a happy person, and even when I'm in a bad mood, like the present, I can still laugh and have a good time. Unfortunately, when I sit down to write, I don't have anything good to say.



Anonymous said…
Hey girl, you need a reality check. You have got to go back a few months and find out what you have done to change your life that was not right for you. I have stepped out of your character. You have always been up lifting and able to come out of anything. You need to go back to your old path which is right for you.

Good luck.
everybody's got their downtime. and remember you aren't blogging to please people. at least, that's how i look at it. it's an outlet for me. it's like a journal....and if i'm having a bad day, i write about it. udnerstandably, you can't write about everything because the blogosphere doesn't need to know every little thing. but don't write to please the audience. write for you.

and...as a side note, said without malice....every path has bad days. simply because you are having a bad week or even a bad month doesn't mean you are on the wrong path.
Kim said…
I need a reality check? Ok, check this.

I fell in love with a guy who didn't love me back. 2 months later, he's engaged to someone else. I'm good friends with a guy who is afraid of commitment, so every time we hang out, I'm reminded that it will never happen. While all the time, all my friends are finding the love of their lives, getting engaged, or having kids.

Also, I'm a youth leader. I'm dealing with runaways, drug use, teen pregnancy scares, bi-sexuality, and God knows what else on a daily basis.

I teach at a public school where the kids think they are grown and can do what they please.

So again, forgive me for not being chipper at the moment. This isn't about old paths, new paths, good paths, or bad paths. This is about life. Life that is unfair no matter which path you are on.
Anonymous said…
Whoa! Lifes not fair apposed to what? Things not working the way you want them to.Remember who's running this show.If we let circumstances cause us to make errored decisions then we are not letting God be in control.You know well enough that God only wants whats good for you,be patience(that's easier said than done).God has the answer for every thing that you think is not right in your life now.If we truely love God as much as we say we do ,then lets have the confidence to trust him to work out what we think are problems.God sees the whole picture in HD, we only see what's right in front of us and what might could be .God all ready sees our future,he wants it to be awesome.However we are creatures of choice,the wrong choice and BOOM!! its over.Thats why we need HIM to direct us in ALL our decisions,especially those of the Heart.Though it is hard to see when life seem to pass you by .God has great things for you becaue he loves YOU.By no means am I tring to say I know how you feel are even what you should do.I'm just reminding you about what you already know,and because of some hurts, have over looked.So cheer up "little" things are going to get better ,God promised it. Later gator.
Randall said…
Moving out of our comfort zone in order to step up to the challenge that God has placed in our lives is never easy. So often we want to live in our shell of protection and comfort so as to conform to the norm. Once you step out and take a chance it can get a little crazy and sometimes downright painful but you will never look back with regret.

To the anonymous person above, going back to life as usual will produce a very usual and uneventful life. Sometimes we have to go through a struggle in order to be formed in the image that Christ has for us.

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