You Know These Things Only Happen to Me....

I got a letter from the IRS the other day. According to them, I owe FICA and Medicare taxes on $83,000.

I would gladly pay you those taxes if I had ever made $83,000. Seriously, in the 2.5 years I've been working, I haven't made $83,000 collectively let alone last year. Where do you think a 24 year old school teacher is getting $83,000??

Excuse me, but if you are working for the IRS, you shouldn't be making mistakes....$80,000 mistakes!

When I wanted to move out, the Federal Prison for tax evasion was not my first option!


the lizness said…
Are they saying that you had $83k income on a 1099? if you need help just email me.
Kim said…
Yes they are. I did have $3,000 on a 1099, that was included on my tax forms.

Thanks for offer. I have a friend who is an accountant, and he's working on it for me.

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