Unwanted House Guest!

I do apologize for my inconsistency. Even though school is out, I'm staying extremely busy, and honestly, nothing exciting has happened to talk about. Until today....

Today, I saw a roach in my apartment! I freaked. I cannot stand those bugs! So I ran to my closet to grab a shoe and started looking under the bed. The roach was crawling to the other side. I ran to the other side of the bed, and the roach went back the other direction. I couldn't find him at first, but then I noticed one of his little nasty antennas in between the bed post and the wall. I got some brilliant idea to suck him up with the vacuum cleaner. When I got that out and put it up to the roach, he ran away. By the time I got the vacuum cleaner out of my hands and dropped back down to the floor, he had disappeared.

Later my mom came over and helped me pull back my sheets to make sure he hadn't taken a nap in my bed. We still didn't see him. Mom reassured me that he had disappeared into a crack in the floor and moved out. When I came home from church tonight, I prayed that he would show his ugly face so I could smash him! There was no sight of him until I headed into the kitchen for a snack. There was one scurrying across the dining room. I grabbed a shoe and beat him down! I then wrapped him in a paper towel, and put him in the toilet. I interrogated him, demanding to know if he was the original roach or a new one. He was as silent as a Vietcong soldier, so I had to flush him. It took 2 flushes, but finally he was gone.

I'm trusting Jesus that there was only 1 roach and not a total infestation of them. I will be filing a complaint if I see one more of those buggers!


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