Something Missing?

Many times I wonder, if we could see through God's eyes, how amazed we would be at the stupidity of our "Christian" efforts.  I think we would laugh at our attempts to do right and be who we think we are suppose to be.   At times we might even be embarrassed of how far off we are from the mark.

Not that being Christ like is unattainable or too lofty a goal.  No, I think we would find that we make it much more complicated than it was intended to be.  

Please don't think I'm making light of a relationship with the Lord or saying that it's the easiest thing in the world to do.  It takes dedication and commitment of course.  But it's so simple to have a relationship with God that anyone can do it.  It has to be because everyone is entitled to it. Everyone is capable of it, yet many just choose not to accept it.

Perhaps we are partly to blame for them not accepting God's love.  Perhaps we make it seem too hard.  Perhaps we make them think they are not worthy enough.  Perhaps we make them think God's love is just not worth all the pressure.

I think of all the times I was stressed to the max because of a church function.  Choir practice, drama practice, Sunday school, youth functions.  I was so busy performing some religious duties that I didn't have a life.  I didn't have time to talk to God because I had church things to do.  I didn't have time to develop a relationship with anyone outside of my church walls because I was too caught up with church activities.  Win the lost?  Ha!  Who had time for that?  I was too busy doing something at church.

Being a follower of Christ is so much more than 3 praise and worship songs, an offering, a sermon, and a good 10 minute prayer at the altar.  It's more than a good drama performance or PowerPoint presentation.  And not that there is anything wrong with all of that.  But if we think that is all there is to God, to church, or to life, then we have have drastically missed the whole point of the cross.


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