Checking Things Off the List
My first week back to school turned out to be a great week. The students behaved for the most part, and I got several things knocked off of my "to-do" list.
I went to the dentist and got my teeth cleaned. I love having my teeth cleaned, especially now since they are pretty and straight! I also went to the doctor and had my blood checked again. I am extremely anemic. I was put on iron pills about a year ago, but when I went back for a check up, my iron levels were still low. The doctor doubled my dosage of iron, and this time my levels were up. I'm glad about that because taking iron pills is so much better than a shot! I still need to visit the eye doctor and the dermatologist, but they'll have to wait until I pay for the blood work up.
This week I have to begin applying for Grad School. I need to call and get my transcripts and fill out the application, etc. The process shouldn't be too hard, but I have to get a start on it in order to make the deadline for the Teacher's Fellowship. (That will pay for my tuition.)
I love the feeling that I have when I accomplish things. Makes me wonder why I procrastinate so much...