Over Already?
Wow! My Spring Break went by super fast. I had a great time in DC, but it was extremely tiring! We walked for miles seeing the city, but by the end of each day our legs were killing us. A bunch of wusses, I know.
It was amazing to stand in the exact spot that Martin Luther King stood when he gave his "I have a dream speech." It was inspiring to walk through the Capitol's Rotunda where Presidents and Congressmen have walked. It's not just someone else's history...it's my history.
I got home about midnight Friday Night/Saturday Morning. I did laundry all day Saturday and was working on our New Church today. (It is official, the new church is ours. The guys started sheet-rocking the walls of the Sanctuary today! Soon there will be no more rented buildings! YEAH!) So I can't say that I've really rested up and am ready for school tomorrow.
This week is another busy week for me. I'm going to the Chris Tomlin concert on Thursday in Little Rock, AR and am going to spend the rest of the weekend with friends. I'm looking forward to that!