Can You Hear Me Now??
I often pray things, and I know that God hears me. However I'm not always sure He's listening. I guess I just figure out of the 6 billion + people in the world, my requests aren't as important as starving people in Asia or displaced citizens of Darfur.
Thankfully, God is listening, and my requests are important to him, even if I forget that sometimes. What's also great is that He reminds me that He's working on things. For example....
I firmly believe there is reason why I come in contact with every person that I meet. I don't always know the reason, but each person is somehow significant in the development of my life. I often believe that there may not be any other reason for contact other than to share God with that person. So as with Mr. Amazing, I've been certain that God has a reason for him walking into my life and showing back up all the time. Therefore, I pray for him weekly, sometimes daily, that God would do a work in his life. I pray that God would reveal Himself to Mr. Amazing and that Mr. Amazing would know God like I know God. See, Mr. Amazing knows very little about God because he was never taken to church or told Bible stories growing up. He's not adverse to God, just doesn't know much about him or faith or anything spiritual. Also include the fact that I rarely see Mr. Amazing personally. Therefore I pray everyday that God will put someone in his life that will help him understand God and be able to point him in the right direction.
Now, although I pray this prayer, I've never really thought about who this person would be or exactly how it would all come about. But I found out and was pleasantly surprised. Mr. Amazing has a best friend, Mr. Good Guy, who I have met and hung out with on several occasions. Mr. Good Guy has a church upbringing and from what I gather, a very good family. He's mentioned going to church before with his family and I even saw a copy of "The Shack" in his truck, but nothing really struck me as a "faith sharing" guy.
Thanks to the wonders of facebook, I get to chat with Mr. Good Guy on occasion. This weekend was one of those times. Out of the blue, Mr. Good Guy tells me he is almost done reading "The Shack" and that he is giving it to Mr. Amazing to read. He said he had talked to Mr. Amazing about his faith and thought the book would really help him out. He added that Mr. Amazing was receptive but basically clueless about God, and Mr. Good Guy was going to stay on top of it.
This all came from no where. I had never mentioned church, God, or faith to Mr. Good Guy and I certainly had no thoughts of Mr. Good Guy talking to Mr. Amazing about such things. I stared at the computer screen and started to tear up. God was answering my prayer in the coolest way ever. He was using someone very close to Mr. Amazing, someone that probably had the most impact on his life. And the fact that "The Shack", one of the most amazing spiritual books ever, is involved in this whole story just blows me away! I too wanted to share that book with Mr. Amazing but because of our weird relationship I didn't want to put a damper on things. The last thing I needed was to be the girl who was trying to change him!
Anyways, the whole ordeal has put me in a great mood and given me a whole new, more Christ-like perspective on the situation! My faith has increased!