1 Down....179 to Go!

Well today was the first day of school. I know....WAY TOO EARLY! People here in the MS Delta haven't figured out that most people don't start until Labor Day. Oh well, we will survive.

Today was actually a great first day. I am teaching a new class for both me and the school, Information and Communication Technology 1 (ICT1). I'm really excited about teaching computers and typing and all the cool gadgets I get for my room. The only set back is that my equipment hasn't come in yet. So I'm teaching a Technology class without Technology! It should be in soon, and I have several things to do before we even need to begin with the computers.

Besides starting this new class, I'll be attending 2 grad classes on the 19th. I am going to begin work on my Master's in School Counseling. I'm a bit nervous about handling the workload of teaching and learning, but I think I'm going to be able to balance it all. Perhaps it's for the best I'm not managing a new relationship as well. Least that's one less thing to worry with. However, if the right one comes along, I'll just have to balance! :)


dad said…
You ought to do good in school counseling ,you're always giving me advice.Teaching a technology class with out technology should be a breeze for you .Just fake it until you make it.:)

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