Blog's Behind but Life is Good!
I am sorry for the long delay between blog posts. Who knew life would get so busy? But, alas, I have scheduled time to write to those faithful followers that are left!

So a quick run-down of what has been going on in my life lately:
- Grad school has been kicking my I kicked back! Scored a 102 on my first Intro to Counseling class and a 100 on my first counseling video! It's requiring a lot of work, but I'm managing. I may only take 1 class next semester because Spring Semester is usually my busiest at school. We'll see how it works.
- I may have conquered my problem of procrastination...least for now. With everything on my plate (2 grad classes, 1 online training, monthly face to face training, etc) I can't afford to get behind. I've been doing a great job of staying on top of the game, if I do say so myself.
- I got a DOG! He's a 2 year old Yorkie who is house trained and use to apartment life. Between my brother and I, I am sure we can manage him. If not, I'll reluctantly give him back. But for now, he's great and a perfect fit!

I can honestly say that God has been giving me strength, opening door, and giving me favor in my employer's eyes. Things have been going well and several other things are in the works as far as school is concerned. If you would have asked me a month ago, I would have told you that I was in over my head with no light at the end of the tunnel. Now I feel like I'm strolling through a grassy meadow with the sun shinning brightly on me. I'm happy, fulfilled, and truly trusting in the leading of the Lord!